成分説明 JP/Eng


Main ingredients of each MANA original product


■シャンプー成分と効果shampoo component


 動物の血液から得られる有機鉄錯化合物す。 血液の主成分「ヘモグロビン」の「ヘマチン」と「グロビン」を分離して抽出します。 ヘマチンはタンパク質と結合しようとする性質があるため、髪に塗ると毛髪のタンパク質「ケラチン」と結合します。 「ケラチン」と結合することで、傷んでる毛髪を覆いダメージを補修するという効果があると言われています。

Hematin is an organic iron complex compound obtained from animal blood. Separates and extracts hematin and globin from hemoglobin, the main component of blood. Hematin has the property of binding to proteins, so when applied to hair, it binds to the hair protein ``keratin.'' It is said that by combining with keratin, it has the effect of covering damaged hair and repairing damage.


ルイボスエキスRooibos extract


Rooibos extract prevents glycation in hair. In addition, by preventing

glycation, it suppresses the loss of hair strength due to glycation. By using a hair shampoo containing rooibos extract, you may be able to prevent hair saccharification and maintain beautiful hair.


カキタンニンpersimmon tannin


It is expected to be effective in sterilizing the scalp and preventing odor, as well as having a high antioxidant effect.


Moisturizing power is improved, and when used together with a surfactant (cleansing ingredient), PCA-Na has the effect of suppressing hair squeaks when shampooing.

こんな方にお勧めRecommended for these people


Color retention, damaged hair, itchy scalp, gray hair



CMC cell membrane complex




One of the functions of CMC is to protect it from heat from hair dryers.

Without CMC, even if you want to store moisture inside, you will not be

able to do so.

Your hair will become dry and coarse. Also, without CMC, the cuticle will peel up, making it easier for internal components to leak out.



 はちみつの成分の80%近くは糖類なので、保湿効果があります。 髪のパサつきやごわつきを抑えて、しっとりとした髪に導いてくれます。 また殺菌効果が高いので頭皮のトラブル予防になり、トリートメントをしながらマッサージをすることで血行が良くなり頭皮のクレンジング効果もあります。

Nearly 80% of honey is sugar, so it has a moisturizing effect. It suppresses dryness and stiffness of hair, leading to moist hair. It also has a high bactericidal effect, which helps prevent scalp problems, and massaging it while doing the treatment improves blood circulation and has a cleansing effect on the scalp.


マカダミアオイルMacadamia oil






Static electricity and dryness tend to make your hair dry and spread out.

Macadamia oil has the ability to repair hair damage and make your hair shiny and beautiful.It's also highly moisturizing, so it soothes dry and frizzy hair.Macadamia oil can also be applied to the scalp.

On the other hand, it is also recommended for those who suffer from dryness and dandruff.

It also has the effect of removing sebum and dirt clogged in pores, so you can also use it in the bathroom as an oil massage.


オリーブ果実油olive oil


Oleic acid, the main component of olive oil, is a component that is also contained in human sebum and is also contained in the hair cuticle, so it blends well when applied to the hair and has a moisturizing effect that keeps the hair moisturized. there is.




Prevents frizzy hair.Frizzy hair is caused by a lack of moisture on the surface of the hair, known as the cuticle, which hardens and swells, causing the hair to become frizzy. Chia seed oil moisturizes your hair, keeping it moist and giving it a natural shine.

こんな方にお勧めRecommended for these people


Dry hair/damaged hair/unmanageable hair


■ヘアミルク成分と効果 Out bath night care hair milk component



Hair milk has excellent penetration power into the hair, so it delivers moisture and beauty ingredients to the inside of the hair, allowing you to condition your hair by caring for it from the inside.

Please try this attractive hair milk that is useful for caring for curly and wavy hair!


ごま油 sesame oil


Hair care with sesame oil can be used as a leave-in hair treatment.

It can also be used in place of a hair styling agent to improve the manageability of your hair.

Applying hair milk to your hair prevents moisture from evaporating and protects the cuticle.

シア脂Shea butter



Damage accumulates due to heat from curling irons and hair dryers, as well as coloring and perms.

Shea butter also has the ability to protect your hair from such damage.

Shea butter is also highly resistant to heat, so using it before using a hair dryer or curling iron will change the finish and protect your hair from UV rays.


ヒバマタエキスHibamata is rich

 ヘアにも有効な海藻のエキス ヒバマタは アミノ酸、ヨードなどのミネラル類を豊富に含み、髪のパサつきなど“実年齢以上に見られる”ダメージを改善に導きます。

A seaweed extract that is also effective for hair, Hibamata is rich in

minerals such as amino acids and iodine, which helps to improve dry hair and other damage that is seen when you are older than your actual age.

こんな方にお勧めRecommended for these people


Unmanageable hair, damaged hair, UV protection, shine

